Thursday, January 25, 2007

Some pictures

Here is a poor example of what I mean by a TREEscape. It just wasn't possible to catch a good picture out the window of the bus. But there are so many variations in the plant life.

Here is a street scene from Antigua, Guatemala. The whole town is like this, really classic colonial style.

Here are some examples of the native dress. They don't just do this as costumes for tourists - they dress like this every day.
This lady sold Andrea some weavings, which they do very well. However, the vendors are very skillful in their sales techniques. In some ways they reminded me of the gypsy flower vendors in Granada except that the indians are much more friendly and not so obviously trying to get your money. Because of that, they probably have more success.

Here is Lake Atitlan..or at least a small piece of it..and the town of Panajachel.

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