Monday, July 30, 2007

Back in NC after a vacation in CA.

July 30, 2007 Monday,
We have been back here for a few days now and Andrea is getting her first look at Oriental. I'd say she likes it! We have met a bunch of great folks, both house dwellers and cruisers. Last night, there was a big potluck/BBQ on the docks. It's not hard to put our weight down for a while.
At the moment, we haven't at all decided where we are going to go from here. North is as close as we can get. NC isn't a total paradise - hot, humid, and buggy have something to do with that and air conditioning on the boat becomes critical for comfort. We have borrowed an A/C unit from a dock neighbor that fits over our forward hatch and cools our sleeping area. What a relief!
Our phone doesn't work well here, but our regular email does, so don't be afraid to write.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Richard and Andrea,
Just wanted to stop by and say how much I enjoy last Sunday's brunch on your boat with our new friend Capt.John
You two are great host and your music is excellent.
Are you both going to be there Saturday from Larry's suprise party? Is our friend Capt. John still there or did he push off for the Bahamas?
Mild Bill