Thursday, September 27, 2007

Can't leave NY, but still trying.....

Thursday, Sept. 29, 2007
Yup, we don't seem to be leaving yet. We get stuck in places where we have met a lot of people and made friends. As much as we want to see Cape Cod, it would just be scenery compared to the connections we have made here. We have fallen into comfortable routines here. We could do flamenco just about any night we wanted to, but actually take time off just to rest up. We've learned how to get around and it is easy (with the possible exception of the subways at 3AM - between rats and strange humans, it can be expeditionary).
The other day we took our bikes and did the Central Park Loop, a nice exercise and beautiful. Then the next day, we rode all the way down the waterfront bike path, around the Battery up to the Brooklyn Bridge. Then we headed into the city, through Chinatown, to Essex St. where we found the pickles that are considered the best in NYC. We brought a bunch of them home and they ARE good. However, Nathan's bottled pickles are so close that I won't ever feel the need for exertion when Nathan's can be had.
I'm cutting this short because we are off for lunch to our favorite local joint, Big Nick's. Don't be afraid to write or call.
Here is the view from our back porch, looking up the Hudson to the George Washington Bridge.
And here is the view from our front porch, looking down the Hudson toward downtown.
Here is an "artzy" shot of Steve Kahn and I in flamenco mode on the boat on a hot NY night.
I just couldn't resist the contrast between the modern and the traditional.
As we rode our bikes through Central Park, there were these carriages....

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