We are anchored in Lagos Bay, just outside the marina. We wanted to go into the marina to wash the crusted salt off the boat (in places it was sort of like a pretzel). But the marina charges 53 euros in high season plus tax, all of which would have brought a night there up to around $90. I'm sorry, but for those kind of prices, I expect a change of bed linens and a chocolate on the pillow. So Andi threw buckets of salt water over the boat to get the salt crust off and finished up with a fresh water wipedown, so who needs them.
I meanwhile am engaged with trying to find an air leak on the supply side of the fuel for the genset. It hasn't worked for 3 days and so we are having to use the big engine to charge batteries. Not good for the engine and it uses a lot of fuel.
It is much cooler here than it was in the Azores (which were as close to perfect weather is I've ever seen). As we approached the Portuguese Coast, we noticed a change in the water color from the indigo blue of the gulf stream to a kind of brownish-green. We had sailed into the Portuguese Current that comes down from Northern Europe just like the California Current comes down from Alaska and keeps the California coast cool. So the water here is cold and I'm not looking forward to swimming in it. Andi is though because she has become a dedicated snorkeller.
So today we are going to take the dinghy and explore some caves and beautiful rock formations along the cliffs nearby. Then we'll go into town and report to the authorities and do some shopping. Sorry to have no pictures, but we have no internet still. This is coming to you by radio through Belgium.
And here is a video of the caves. We really loved this.
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