Saturday, August 25, 2007

Finally leaving....

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Yup, we're really doing it. It's amazing how much equipment stops working right with just 2 months in port. Sailboats like to be used. When gear sits idle, it corrodes or just gets balky. So we've been getting things working again and are just about ready.

While I was sitting around here, I put a video from one of our previous concerts up on YouTube and will give you the URL in case you want to play it:
Cut and paste that line into your browser. If you have a slow internet connection, as soon as the video starts playing, hit the pause button and wait a whole minute so that the buffer can get ahead of the playback. Then hit play again.
Hope you enjoy it.

Tonight we will anchor in South Creek, right across the Neuse River from here. That way we can get an early start tomorrow.

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