Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 16 - 291 miles to go

June 18, 2008 Wednesday 9pm - early watch - 36d 14' North 36d 01' West
For the last 36 hours we have been in "go slow" mode, sailing under just the mainsail with the jib rolled up. Now we have reefed the main to go even slower. But with 17K of breeze, we're still moving along. We are headed mostly East to stay away from the Azores until they stop being nasty. The peak of the nastiness is supposed to be Friday evening and Saturday morning. We are setting ourselves up to arrive on Sunday. Friday AM we are supposed to get a lot of wind here and then tapering off in the afternoon. So at this point, we are planning to start directly for Flores as soon as the wind moderates on Friday. 290 miles isn't that far to go. Less than 2 days. We make 120 to 160 miles per day under normal conditions. It is a drag to not be able to charge right into the Azores. With moderate weather, we would have been there already. Oh well, never mind....
We are not sending out personal emails very much for a while. Sailmail limits us to 90 minutes of connection time per month. With Merritt added to our email budget and the long time it takes to transfer even a single character given the lousy connections we are getting with the very poor radio propagation, it can take up to 10 minutes to transfer just a few emails. If we run out of time, we will have no emergency connection, so pardon the lack of personal attention. And I should point out, every email we send out has a message at the bottom about not clicking on "reply" and then sending the original email back. In spite of that, a surprisingly large number of folks send back the original message. Please take care not to do that. Thanks.
We are comfortable, well-fed and well-rested. Hope you are too! We'll do regular email from the Azores and post some pictures. Let's hope the weather is well-behaved.

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