Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Finally on our way....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Today we will be leaving in just a few hours. Meanwhile, here is our last chance to show you a few pictures:

Here we see Andi sewing on the new canopy that will shade the boat. The marina was good enough to let her use the floor in the store and she sewed for about 7 days.
Last week we went to a party at some friends house and Andi captured this artzy shot of a boat tied up at the dock behind the house. There are lots of waterfront homes around here, which is why so many sailors have settled here...well, that and the good company.
Here we are in the shade of the new canopy. The artist was good enough to allow me to pose here too, even though I provided little but moral support.
Finally, another artzy shot showing what will happen if you don't maintain your boat. Our friend Jeff has painted this scene, but all we have is the photo.

Our friend Merritt arrived from CA last night, all the groceries are stowed, so today we untie the dock lines and head out to the ocean through Beaufort, NC. The weather forecast is great and so we are really looking forward to it.

We want to thank all the wonderful friends that we made in Oriental this year for being such terrific people. This is a stellar community and we will miss all of you.

Until later....

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