Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Farewell to Flores (and a video)

July 2, 2008
Hi, I stole some text that Andi wrote:

We rented a car with some other cruisers & took 2 days to tour the island. There's a reason it's called Flores. It looks like it's groomed everyday by happy gardeners! It is absolutely like OZ. Definitely one of the most beautiful places on the planet. What makes it so beautiful is how clean it is & the tranquil life of the people. Everyone, even those in town have a garden, a milk cow & chickens. It's all winding paths and rock walls, stairs & houses. Then when you get to the country it's all green terraced meadows & fields & ancient rock walls covered in wild pink roses & purple hydrangeas & lilies, with rolling lanes lined in cedar trees passing moss sculptures and waterfalls among stone houses with red tile roofs and brightly painted doors & windows. It has grandiose canyons & volcanic lakes (caldeiras)with green, aqua, & black waters. The weather is feels like Santa Barbara, no mosquitoes!

And I'll add a bit. We were pleasantly pleased by the prices here. Beer is a Euro ($1.57). Gas is 1.33 Euros per liter or about $5 a gallon - not too much worse than the States. We'll fill our tanks with diesel before we get to the continent and $8 fuel. Dinner out is about 10 Euros and then wine adds some more, so figure $20 apiece. And there isn't much to spend money on. The car was 30 Euros per day. This is the most marvelous place I've ever been. But, tomorrow we will sail to Horta - 130 miles - about 20 hours with the predicted winds. Horta will be much more of a big city with a marina, electricity, slips, and wifi on the docks. But if you look at it with Google Earth, you will see that it is still spectacular.

If we have any luck uploading it, here is a video taken off the "back porch" in the mid-Atlantic. Very typical.

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