Saturday, July 05, 2008

Still catching up on old pictures for you....

Mick Roberts in Oriental, NC plotted our daily positions on a chart to see our progress. You can see how our weather guru, Herb, had us zig-zagging around bad weather.
Here is Faial and it's neighbor, the volcano Pico rising through the dawn clouds.
This is the "White Castle" rock formation.
Here is a bit of the coastline that I also show you in a video later - but this should be much sharper, especially if you double-click it.
Here we are in Peter's "Cafe Sport", a world famous watering hole in Horta. Peter Azevedo, the owner, was a genial host for sailors for many years and just died last year. It is still a center for the cruisers and there are boat flags all over the walls.

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